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I had struggled with my weight all my life until I met Annie. She identified that I had had several past lives where I had starved to death and that is why my body wouldn’t let go of the weight. I am now a size 12 and it is so easy to maintain and I am delighted!
I had been seeing a doctor about my thyroid problem who kept saying I should be losing weight but I wasn’t and was very upset about it and at the end of my tether. Annie prescribed me two homeopathic remedies and I started to lose weight immediately and my metabolism improved. I can now get into clothes that I haven’t been able to get into for years and I feel really good about myself. Also my energy and my general fitness have improved as well.
Annie suggested that I had my hair analysed because she believed that I was being poisoned by a particular metal. So I filled in the form and couldn’t believe when the results came back as it showed that my entire system was being poisoned by lead. Annie recommended supplements and in 3 months the poison had gone and I had lost 2 stone. Annie also prescribed my constitutional homeopathic remedy and the weight loss has continued and I feel younger than I have in years.
I had a real problem where I couldn’t stop eating and I didn’t know and I didn’t even want the food. When Annie tuned into me she discovered that I was eating because I had buried emotions that I was looking at. She explained that I was actually “stuffing down” the emotions with food. Over a period of a month I had several sessions with Annie where she helped me release these emotions and the connection with food. Annie also gave me techniques that I could use if I felt I wanted to overeat which work very quickly. The weight is coming off at 2lb a week and I no longer feel disgusted with myself.
I couldn’t stop eating sweets and chocolates and I was putting on weight and spots were appearing at an alarming rate. Annie said that I had no “sweetness” in my life as I had just got divorced and was struggling to bring up two small children on my own. When I realised the connection I looked at other ways of introducing sweetness into my life. Annie also pointed out that I was deficient in many vitamins and minerals so I started to take her recommended supplements. Now I eat sweets occasionally and really enjoy them and don’t feel guilty!
I was eating very large meals and had to finish everything on my plate (and my childrens plates as well!). The weight was piling on and I couldn’t seem to do anything about it. The more I ate the more I hated myself and it was a vicious circle. Annie discovered that I had been overfed as a child, sometimes force fed, as my mother thought love was food so she kept feeding me. Annie healed and released this and immediately I stopped overeating. I also stopped over feeding my children and changed our meals to be very healthy!
I ate in secret telling everybody that I was watching my weight. I was so disgusted with myself that I contacted Annie. She told me that my mother had fed me to keep me quiet as a child and didn’t show me any love. So I was using food as a substitute for love because I felt that I was unworthy. So Annie helped me with this and now I am happy with myself and what I eat.
I could lose weight but then I would put it all back on again and I couldn’t understand why. I had tried every diet but couldn’t keep the weight off for more than three months and I was so tired of it and about to give up when I found Annie’s website. Every time I put the weight back on I was getting bigger and bigger. Annie spent a long time talking to my subconscious and told me that I had been abused as a child and this was what was causing the weight gain as my subconscious thought it was protecting me for it happening again. She healed my subconscious and made it see that it wasn’t helping and that I didn’t need protection any more. I have now been a size 14 for two years now and feel great.
I had suffered with an underactive thyroid for all of my life. I had seen many doctors and endocrinologists but felt dreadful, fat and bloated. Annie explained to me that the thyroid test in the UK was inaccurate as was the doctors interpretation of it. Also thyroxine doesn’t work. She explained to me how the thyroid worked and helped me with homeopathy and herbs. She then told me that my subconscious had stopped my thyroid working because it was frightened of being abused, as it had been in my past life. This was released and now I feel fab – thank you Annie!
I had never had a weight problem until I reached the menopause. I suddenly put a lot of weight on virtually overnight and was frightened and confused. The doctor kept telling me that it was nothing to do with the menopause and that I must be over eating. I felt alone and frightened. A friend recommended me to Annie and she recommended the herb Macca which alleviated my menopause systems literally in a week! She also recommended a homeopathic remedy and a supplement as I was deficient in many vitamins and minerals. Annie did lots of healing on my low self worth issues and now I am slim and have just met a new man!
I was diagnosed with PTSD and retired from the army. Annie worked with me and has changed my life. Using her amazing techniques she has released all my fears and panic and I can now have a normal life.
I had a gambling problem which was out of control. I met Ann in person and she did a full “muscle testing” analysis of my problem so she could get to the main issue. It turned out that I had a dislike of money and also that I had a dislike of paying tax as I felt it was unfair! So I spent my money so I didn’t have to pay tax! I am quite happy to pay tax now as I have the job of my dreams that pays very well and I travel business class all over the world!
I was always in debt and never had enough money. Annie worked with me and released my dislike of rich people and when I felt I didn’t deserve to be abundant. I also discovered that I wasn’t allowing myself to earn more money than my parents and my siblings. I now earn over £10,000 a month doing a job I love!